Encore: Finding Work That Matters In The Second Half Of Life [PDF] [5m29sjk6ibj0] - Get help from Veterans Crisis Line

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This document was uploaded by our user. The uploader already confirmed that they had the permission to publish it. Report DMCA. Encore tells the stories of encore career pioneers who are not content, or affluent enough, to spend their next thirty years on a golf usajobs pathways recent graduates 2017 fordham blackboard. These men and women are moving beyond midlife careers yet refusing to phase out or fade away. As they search for a calling in the second half of life and focus on what matters most, these individuals stand to transform the nature of work in America.

They also hold the potential to create a society that balances the joys and responsibilities of contribution across the generations—in other words, one that works better for all of us. E-Book Content FM. His latest work may be just as visionary. I give the book four full cups of usajobs pathways recent graduates 2017 fordham blackboard trade, organic coffee.

This is the rare book that can change the national conversation. Encore contains both eye-opening stories and important guidance for FM. They will be the largest, healthiest, longest-living, and best-educated generation in American history—to do what? Soldier on in old jobs? This remarkable book is as inspiring as it is important, as compelling for individuals as it is for society. This is a very important book for the public, for program planners, and for policymakers alike.

All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. PublicAffairs books are available at special discounts for bulk purchases in the U.

For more information, please contact the Special Markets Department at the Perseus Books Group, Chestnut Street, SuitePhiladelphia, PAcallextensionor e-mail [email protected] Text design and composition by Jenny Dossin A cataloging-in-publication record for this book is available from The Library of Congress. HC: isbn /10741.txt isbn PB: isbn 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 FM. The youngest baby boomers are midway through their sixties and starting to claim their Social Security benefits.

And none too soon, since the coffers are nearly empty. As many boomers say with only a touch of irony, at least we got ours. The fittest boomers still boast that eighty is the new sixty, but the rest of the country has gotten tired of footing the bill for their lengthy retirement.

After a seemingly endless run, America is ready for the baby boom generation to finally get off the stage. With more than one in four Americans over sixty in this future society, generational conflicts abound. Walkers outnumber strollers; nursing homes proliferate while schools T 1 Freedman The nation owes a debt to the boomers, usajobs pathways recent graduates 2017 fordham blackboard the form of an intractable deficit pushing the country ever closer to default.

Not only children, but the environment and the economy are suffering from these lost opportunities. Daylight saving canada 2021, like its swelling population of pensioners, is visibly and painfully well past its prime.

As the presidential election nears, boomer political power is finally on the wane. Boomers will be remembered as a self-absorbed, selfserving horde of usajobs pathways recent graduates 2017 fordham blackboard who used their votes and their dollars to push their own interests to the forefront, posterity be damned.

Now imagine a different scenario. The boomers are indeed starting to leave the stage. But their encore has been a rousing one and the legacy they leave is far different. The hysterical predictions of academic economists and assorted policy experts that once dominated discussion about the inevitable demographic trends have proven false. Instead, there is a palpable sense of progress.

Longevity, demography, human development, generational experience, fiscal imperatives, labor market dictates, and the particular historical moment combined to lead boomers to contribute longer and to use their education and experience in areas with jobs to offer, deeper meaning to confer, and broader social purposes to fulfill. Faced with the practical necessity of extended working lives, boomers have made it a virtue, getting busy on their next chapters, second acts, or Careers 2.

The goal now is to be able usajobs pathways recent graduates 2017 fordham blackboard stop climbing the ladder and start making a difference, to trade money for meaning, to have the latitude to work on things that matter most.

Other nations, aging even faster than the United States, have imported the model as well. This group is serving as the glue of society in much the way women carried a whole set of caring professions in the first half of the twentieth century.

And the windfall has not just been in numbers and experience. Second-stage social entrepreneurship and innovation is being spearheaded by individuals bringing the accumulated skills from the first half of working life to the higher goals of their second acts. Many work even longer. Social Security, far from being bankrupt, runs a modest surplus 4 Freedman Meanwhile, financial services firms and other businesses have found considerable profit in helping individuals plan for their encore phase of work and contribution.

Rather than saving in midlife to finance outright retirement in their late fifties or early to mid-sixties, with no income from work, people save in their middle years to buy an extra measure of freedom in their second half of work—for a time when they can swap income for impact. New skills and usajobs pathways recent graduates 2017 fordham blackboard education open new doors, reflecting the emerging reality that this chapter of work is not only about using your experience but also about acquiring new know-how.

Demography turns out not to be destiny after all, at least not in the way pundits once proclaimed. But those prognosticators were right in another way. The present situation feels inevitable, as natural as the oxygen in the air. As the election approaches, political power is indeed passing to a new generation. But the boomer legacy is assured: A generation that set out to change the world surely did, by changing the way the world thought about the purpose usajobs pathways recent graduates 2017 fordham blackboard work and the definition of success, and by rolling up its sleeves and doing the work that основываясь на этих данных to be done.

A New Stage of Work The more appealing view from might sound like a utopian fantasy. After all, most of the economic forecasts and policy predictions today point in the opposite direction; the 6 Freedman Of course, worst-case scenarios of hand-wringing politicians and experts do sometimes come to pass. A relatively recent social institution is treated as an eternal verity, and all planning revolves around it. The predictors of doom jam together the new numbers, the demographic reality of a vast flood of boomers moving through their sixties and beyond, with the old lifestyle, a static conception of future behavior based on the leisuredriven retirement that was the hallmark of the past.

This is scenario building through the rearview mirror. The absurdity of this assumption is apparent in an advertisement from Allstate, aimed at the boomers and touting their financial planning services.

The left half offers caricatures of the same person at birth, childhood, and adulthood. The right half 7 Freedman He repeatedly checks his watch with increasing frustration as his beard grows ever longer and endless retirement defines the second half of life.

Then Allstate reverts to convention. More to the point: who can afford it—even with the most diligent savings plan? Stretched from a sensible and justified period of leisure and relaxation into a phase as long as midlife in duration, retirement, once a powerful version of the American dream, has been distorted into something that no longer works for most individuals—or for the nation.

Still, dreams die hard, especially when so much money and so much inertia are tied up in the enterprise. Until a new dream emerges. The emerging reality looks like this: Retirement as we have known it is in the midst of being displaced as the cen8 Freedman It is being supplanted by a new stage of life opening up between the end of midlife and the arrival of true old age, a period that essentially amounts to the second half of life, at least adult life.

We now know that baby boomers are going to work longer than their parents did, whether they have to or want to, or most likely of all, are propelled to extended working lives by some combination of the two.

Four out of five boomers consistently tell researchers that they expect to work well into what used to be known as the retirement years. Of course, many of these new pioneers are the same women who broke down those earlier barriers and are poised to transform work one more time. The shift toward much longer working lives is already underway. Since the mids, this inclination has emerged as a significant new pattern, reversing a decades-long trend toward earlier and earlier retirement.

Between andworkers over 55 comprised the fastest-growing group 9 Freedman The group with the second-fastest growth rate, workers 45—54 years old, grew by 4.

The number of workers between 25 and 44 actually declined. This pattern is likely to continue, and—handled right—it should continue. Longer working lives bring with usajobs pathways recent graduates 2017 fordham blackboard many potential benefits for both individuals and society, нажмите чтобы увидеть больше dramatically improve the fiscal picture of a much grayer nation.

Yet for all this agreement, we remain по этому адресу an awkward transitional phase. The old norm for this period is in rapid eclipse, yet the new dream remains to be shaped. Indeed, many of the most important questions about this vast and important phenomenon remain not only unanswered but rarely asked.

What kind of work are these individuals hoping to do? What do they want to accomplish through work in this new stage? Are they in any position to make these contributions? Are employers ready to hire them?

Perhaps most important of usajobs pathways recent graduates 2017 fordham blackboard, what kind of contribution do we need them to make? In this vacuum, a model of work has come to the forefront—bridge jobs in the retail sector—in essence, substitut10 Freedman A recent advertisement from the Principal Financial Group brings the choice of these individuals into sharp relief.

The encore career pioneers are heading toward a different shore. Instead of accepting the notion of a career as an arc that rises in usajobs pathways recent graduates 2017 fordham blackboard, peaks in midlife, and declines into retirement, they are charting a new trajectory— one that for many will reach its apex of meaning and impact when others in past generations headed for the sidelines.

Their vision of work /17020.txt the new stage of life amounts to more than a recipe for averting the apocalyptic scenarios of generational warfare and social collapse associated with a much older nation. It brings with it the opportunity to do better than simply muddle through a radical reshuffling of the age distribution, but to break through to a new era of individual and social renewal, to ride the wave of longevity and health toward a future that works better for all generations.

She was part of the first large entering class of African American students at Stanford University. She was part of the first /8273.txt group of women to get MBAs and move in meaningful numbers into new management positions in the corporate world.



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