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Driver List|TOUGHBOOK Support - PanasonicCf-30 windows 10 free download -
Discussion in ' Panasonic ' started by SugarD-x , Jun 5, Log in or Sign up. Hey there everyone! Recently a coworker and myself picked up a couple really awesome Toughbooks. Well, long story short, unlike mine, his turned out to be a CF MK1. I have no idea which exact model, as the sticker specifying such is missing from the bottom of the system, and it was refurbished.
I didn't have to update any drivers and it was completely ready to go with no issues whatsoever. Thanks Microsoft. It worked beautifully in Windows 7, but with Windows 10 he is experiencing some very extreme lockups while doing basic tasks. I was able to resolve the worst of it by reinstalling his wireless card's driver with an older version, as that was causing several related services to send the processor's usage through the roof , but I'm unable to identify the remaining causes.
I would hate to force him to go back to Windows 7 and risk having to reinstall all of the same drivers all over again, so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas here. Everything in Device Manager appears to be fine, and no other processes are using abnormally-high processing time. He also has barely anything installed. The OS is also completely updated. If it helps, the system was upgraded to include the touchscreen monitor on what appears to be a non-touchscreen model, same as mine , however that has not had any visible problems.
Windows is also fully activated, and I can rule out any drive or other hardware issues. My best guess is this is going to be a driver-based nightmare. His function keys are also not working, although I'm doubting that is the cause of the lockups. SugarD-x , Jun 5, Go into services and turn off superfetch and Windows search,then check it.
Also what antivirus is he using. You can roll it back to Windows 7 by going to settings,restore Win 7 if it is less then 30 days. Toyo and Shawn like this. Thanks for the reply. The forum was bugging, so I thought the post was lost. I'll give that a try and see what happens.
I'm considering rolling him back, but I'd prefer to get the current OS working normally before that point, if possible. He knows how to use a computer, but it isn't something he is amazing at, and I don't want to go through this down the road later when he decides he is ready for Windows I found that the right click icon menus using the touch were completely different then normal and quite useless,very strange.
CWB32 , Jun 6, SugarD-x , Jun 7, I feel Win 10 on a mk1 is highly "optimistic" Win7 on a mk1 is challenging enough to get right. I would roll it back to Win7 and leave it be. It is not really auto install, more like demonic possession. Win7, then create a recovery image for later on.
Acronis is great and cheap on Newegg. Just for fun type this into a Youtube search. Shawn , Jun 7, Toyo likes this. Hard to explain It was a while ago so the old fart has forgotten exactly what the list said. Download process explorer and start looking for the process that is running the CPU full blast,I have seen this several times on Windows 8 and As I said Windows search and Superfetch are a couple of the main villains but also go into msconfig and one by one turn off start up programs.
Does it do it in safe mode? Last edited: Jun 7, For future reference to others, it turned out to be the WiFi card's drivers being the issue. They were massively eating memory through a system service.
After setting them to an older version, the lockups stopped completely. Unfortunately, the WiFi card in the MK1 is also junk, and keeps dropping the wireless connection after reporting problems.
I've purchased the same one my MK3 system has on eBay, since that works beautifully with Windows 10 , so we'll see what happens there. SugarD-x , Jul 24, Toyo and toughasnails like this. You must log in or sign up to reply here. Show Ignored Content. Similar Threads - Win10 Driver Issues. Replies: 11 Views: 2, Replies: 0 Views: Nvidia GeForce Driver Replies: 6 Views: Replies: 2 Views: Replies: 1 Views: Azther Jul 2, Share This Page Tweet. Your name or email address: Do you already have an account?
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